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Wednesday 2 May 2018

Adakah Linas Selamat


Say radiation and the image of contorted babies with missing or extra limbs come to mind — not a pretty picture.

Though radiation has plenty of safe practical uses as well — think x-rays, sterilisation of medical equipment, smoke detectors and even food irradiation — “radioactive exposure” connotes Fukushima horrors before all else.

Thus, it is understandable that when Australian Lynas Corp set up a rare earth refinery on our shores where it will use radioactive feedstock and generate tonnes of radioactive waste, many were alarmed and protests swiftly followed.

Today, many still find Lynas’ solution for its radioactive wastes unsatisfactory.


Based on Lynas’ its Radioactive Waste Management Plan (RWMP) submitted on 30 December 2011, every tonne of rare earth oxide it produces will be an accompanied by 13.41 tonnes of solid residues — 7.93 tonnes Neutralisation Underflow Residue (NUF), 2.63 tonnes Flue Gas Desulfurisation (FGD) and 2.85 tonnes Water Leached Purification Residue (WLP).

After the visit by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Review team in 2014, the NUF and FGD with radioactivity below 1 Bq/g were dropped from the regulatory control of Atomic Energy Licensing Board of Malaysia (AELB). They were classified as clear waste and placed under the Department of Environment’s (DOE) purview.

The worrisome residue it WLP, which has a radioactivity of 7.98 Bq/g. In 2014, an experiment to extract the radioactive Thorium from WLP conducted by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) proved to be non-viable. However, the experiment revealed that the radioactivity of WLP was much higher than that declared earlier by Lynas.

Lynas’ website says: “Our residues are not wastes – they have tremendous potential as safe commercial products”. In its RWMP, Lynas had proposed to recycle all its solid wastes into industrial by-products. It even had an impressive timeline of R&D and commercialisation over 2012-2015. Key products/applications included plaster board and cement manufacturing, road base, fertilizers, and soil remediation. In fact, Lynas had in many occasions said there would be little need for a permanent deposit facility (PDF) for its wastes as they would all be recycled!

To date, nothing has been commercialised. Lynas still appears to be struggling to find a solution for its fast-growing solid residues. It all boils down to a single product, a soil enhancer called CondiSoil, for which it received SIRIM’s seal of approval last year.
However, the proposed mixture of 1:2:7 of WLP: NUF: FGD will leave behind large quantities of unused radioactive WLP for lack of FGD to go with it to create CondiSoil — using all the FGD to make CondiSoil would only use up 13.18% of WLP. This begs the question of what Lynas intends to do with the remaining 86.82% of its radioactive WLP? A PDF would be needed to safely store it, no?

One also can’t help but wonder if the ratio was such as to enable the WLP to be watered down to under 1 Bq/gm so that it will no longer be considered radioactive by AELB. Recycling of radioactive wastes through dilution is never allowed or practiced anywhere else in the world!

Moreover, to entrust and seek approval from SIRIM on Condisoil’s safe usage is totally misplaced. SIRIM is the body that appraises and evaluates proposed industrial standards drafted by relevant professional bodies before they become Malaysian Standards. Does the SIRIM approval mean CondiSoil would become the Malaysian Standard for recycled radioactive wastes? Would this set a precedent among other industries churning out radioactive wastes to also “mix” their radioactive wastes, give it a fancy name and pass it off as a safe recycled industrial by-product?


Tuesday 1 May 2018

Ganja Halal

Uruguay Jadi Negara Pertama di Dunia yang Legalkan Ganja

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Uruguay akan menjadi destinasi favorit baru bagi para penikmat mariyuana. Pasalnya negara di tenggara Amerika Selatan itu menjadi yang pertama di dunia, yang secara resmi melegalkan ganja untuk tujuan rekreasional.

Mulai Juli, ganja bisa dengan mudah ditemukan di seluruh apotik di Uruguay.

Berbeda dengan kafe ganja di Belanda atau penggunaan ganja medis di beberapa kota bagian di Amerika Serikat, Uruguay mempersilakan warganya menggunakan ganja di mana saja. Pemerintah pun membebaskan warganya menumbuhkan mariyuana di rumah mereka.

Sebelumnya, pemerintah sayap kiri telah mengeluarkan ijin bagi warga untuk menumbuhkan ganja di rumah dan mengisapnya di kelab malam. Namun kini, cannabis bisa dengan mudah dibeli di apotik, bersama dengan keperluan medis lainnya.

“Ini adalah langkah besar dalam evolusi bermasyarakat,” ujar Marcos Ferreira, 41, salah seorang warga Uruguay yang ikut mendaftarkan diri untuk penggunaan ganja legal di sebuah kantor pos di Montevideo.

Penetapan sebagai negara ganja legal itu menyusul rancangan undang-undang tahun 2013 yang mengijinkan produksi, penjualan dan penggunaan cannabis secara resmi. 

Namun, pengguna harus mendaftarkan diri ke pemerintah, melalui kantor pos, untuk memastikan konsumsi mereka tidak lebih dari 40 gram per bulannya.

Adapun, Diego Oliviera, Sekretaris Jenderal Dewan Narkoba Nasional Uruguay, menyebut harga mariyuana di Uruguay terbilang murah. Per gram, mariyuana dibanderol dengan harga US$1,3 atau sekitar Rp17 ribu.

“Harga itu 50 persen lebih murah daripada di pasar gelap,” kata Yamila, salah satu pengguna ganja, dilansir AFP.

“Anak muda akan pergi kemana pun untuk mencari ganja, selain harganya mahal, mereka tidak tahu itu berkualitas atau tidak,” tambahnya. 

Yamila menambahkan, kini dia tidak lagi khawatir mendapatkan ganja berkualitas buruk dengan harga selangit.

“Saya tinggal perhi ke apotik untuk membelinya,” ujarnya. “Itu lebih baik, efisien dan aman.”

Masih Jadi Kontroversi

Kendati demikian, beberapa staf pemerintahan masih ada yang menentang legalisasi ganja yang disahkan oleh Mantan Presiden beraliran kiri, Jose Mujica.

Oleh karena itu, pengumuman legalisasi ganja itu juga dibarengi dengan pemutaran video peringatan akan risiko kesehatan konsumsi ganja. 

Tapi, pemerintah yakin legalisasi ganja bisa mengurangi angka kriminalitas dan kekerasan yang berkaitan dengan narkotika.

Selain itu, pemerintah juga melarang keras adanya ‘wisata ganja’ ke Uruguay. Ijin konsumsi mariyuana hanya akan diberikan bagi warga negara atau warga asing yang punya ijin tinggal permanen.

Padahal, wisata ganja bisa menjadi tambahan devisa bagi negara. Manuel Martin, yang punya dua kewarganegaraan, Spanyol dan Uruguay, menyebut dia akan dengan senang hati pindah ke Uruguay hanya demi bisa menikmati ganja secara legal.

“Ini adalah hal yang benar. Penikmat ganja bisa membeli di apotik dengan jaminan kualitas, tidak lagi membeli di jalanan yang punya banyak risiko. Saya pindah ke Uruguay demi ini,” kata Martin.


PBB mengeluarkan ganja dari senarai bahan narkotik

Disember 4, 2020


Gambar fail menunjukkan daun ganja yang dipamerkan pada majlis pembukaan kinik ganja di Bangkok selepas Thailand menjadi negara pertama di Asia Tenggara yang membenarkan ganja untuk kegunaan perubatan. - Foto AFP


VIENNA: Negara anggota agensi Dadah Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) mengundi untuk menggugurkan status ganja daripada senarai kawalan ketat dadah narkotik.

Langkah itu selaras dengan cadangan Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) untuk melakukan kajian terhadap penggunaan ganja dalam sektor perubatan.

Persidangan tahunan Suruhanjaya Dadah Narkotik memperoleh undian 27 menyokong berbanding 25 menolak pengguguran ganja daripada Jadual IV, Konvensyen Tunggal Dadah Narkotik 1961 iaitu peraturan global yang mengawal kawalan dadah.

Undian itu adalah berdasarkan cadangan WHO pada 2019 yang menakrifkan ganja sepatutnya dikawal bagi mencegah sebarang risiko kesan dadah itu dan pada masa sama, tidak menghalang akses serta kajian berkaitan kegunaan perubatan.

Dadah lain dalam Jadual IV itu termasuk heroin, fentanyl dan bahan candu yang dikategorikan sebagai berbahaya serta boleh menyebabkan kematian.

Mengikut penemuan WHO, ganja tidak mempunyai risiko kematian kerana berupaya mengurangkan kesakitan dan sawan.


Kenyataan PBB mengenai persidangan itu bagaimanapun tidak memperincikan negara mana yang menyokong atau menolak usul itu termasuk alasan undian yang disifatkan sengit.

Kata PBB lagi, pihak yang mengambil bahagian akan menyelaras tindakan kawalan khusus yang diperlukan dengan mengambil kira sifat berbahaya daripada ubat yang disenaraikan dalam Jadual IV. - AGENSI




Kilang Roti uli tepung guna kaki diarah tutup

Kilang Roti uli tepung guna kaki diarah tutup

Dua belas premis makanan kotor termasuk sebuah kilang roti diarah tutup oleh Jabatan Kesihatan Pulau Pinang setelah gagal mematuhi peraturan kebersihan. Timbalan Pengarah Kesihatan (Bahagian Keselamatan dan Kualiti Makanan) Ku Nafishah Ku Ariffin berkata hasil risikan dan maklumat awam mendapati amalan penyediaan roti di kilang di Bayan Baru itu tidak memenuhi standard kebersihan yang ditetapkan selain menggunakan peralatan kotor. "Selain kebersihan premis tidak memuaskan, pekerjanya juga tidak memakai pakaian pengendali makanan lengkap seperti topi dan sarung tangan," katanya pada sidang media di sini Rabu. Beliau berkata dalam 'Ops Food Court' selama tujuh jam berakhir pukul 1 pagi itu, sebanyak 115 premis makanan diperiksa dan sebilangan besar pemiliknya mempunyai kesedaran tinggi mengenai tatacara penyediaan makanan yang betul berikutan operasi seumpama itu kerap dilakukan dari semasa ke semasa. Katanya daripada jumlah itu hanya sebuah premis diarah tutup bagi Daerah Seberang Perai Tengah (SPT) serta Seberang Perai Selatan (SPS) manakala Daerah Timur Laut dan Daerah Barat Daya masing-masing lima buah. "Antara kes lain yang dikesan adalah terdapat najis tikus serta lipas di dalam premis, bahan makanan diletakkan di atas lantai serta peti sejuk tidak berfungsi," katanya. Ku Nafishah berkata premis terbabit diarah tutup dalam tempoh 14 hari mengikut Seksyen 11 Akta Makanan 1983 dan mereka harus menjalankan kerja pembersihan sebelum diperiksa sekali lagi dan dibenarkan berniaga semula. Dalam operasi itu pihak berkuasa tempatan turut mengeluarkan 55 kompaun berjumlah RM4,600 atas kesalahan tidak menyediakan perangkap minyak pada saluran buangan dari dapur dan tidak mempamerkan lesen perniagaan. Orang ramai boleh menghubungi jabatan itu di talian 04-2017277 jika mempunyai sebarang aduan melibatkan premis makanan kotor di negeri ini... lapor Bernama 

Ganja Ubat Kencing manis

Ganja Ubat Kencing manis

Studies Show Cannabis Benefits for Diabetes

Despite the traditional profiling of pot users’ getting the munchies and gorging on sweets and junk food, there have been three studies from 2011 to 2016 that disprove the expected results of obesity from cannabis munchies. Instead, it helps reduce obesity, prevents diabetes, and resolves pre-diabetes or insulin resistance.
The two cannabinoids of the over 80 discovered in cannabis that have major impacts on areas that surround diabetes are CBD (cannabidiol), which does not have a psychoactive effect, and THCV, slightly different than THC, but it also does not produce psychoactive effects.
Here are those three studies:
1) The study Obesity and Cannabis Use: Results From 2 Representative National Surveys was published in 2011 in the American Journal of Epidemiology. The purpose was to determine if the propensity toward satisfying marijuana users’ munchies was a factor in obesity.
After comparing BMI measurements between pot smokers and non-users, the authors concluded that the “prevalence of obesity is lower in cannabis users than in nonusers.” 
2) The 2013 study Impact of Marijuana Use on Glucose, Insulin, and Insulin Resistance among US Adults utilized 4,657 men and women surveyed in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 2005 to 2010. Marijuana use was determined discreetly, and statistical adjustments were made according to use for this study.
After determining homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) from fasting blood samples, the researchers discovered: 
Current marijuana use was associated with 16% lower fasting insulin and 17% lower HOMA-IR. We found significant associations between marijuana use and smaller waist circumferences. We found that marijuana use was associated with lower levels of fasting insulin and HOMA-IR, and smaller waist circumference. (Source abstract)
3) Here’s the human study that isolated the THCV factor’s effect on diabetes, Efficacy and Safety of Cannabidiol and Tetrahydrocannabivarin [THCV]on Glycemic and Lipid Parameters in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel Group Pilot Study.
The study, published 2016 in the American Diabetes Association’s journal, Diabetes Care, combined 62 subjects with type 2 diabetes randomized to five treatment methods: 
CBD (100 mg twice daily), THCV (5 mg twice daily), 1:1 ratio of CBD and THCV (5 mg/5 mg, twice daily), 20:1 ratio of CBD and THCV (100 mg/5 mg, twice daily), or matched placebo for 13 weeks.
Compared with placebo, THCV significantly decreased fasting plasma glucose (…) although plasma HDL was unaffected. Compared with baseline (but not placebo), CBD decreased resistin … and increased glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide… None of the combination treatments had a significant impact on endpoints. CBD and THCV were well tolerated.
THCV could represent a new therapeutic agent in glycemic control in subjects with type 2 diabetes. (Source abstract)

These studies widen the medical applications of cannabis to include prediabetes and diabetes 2, as long as the right strains, high in CBD and/or THCV, are chosen. That’s where consulting a cannabis health practitioner, someone with knowledge in the cannabis industry, is needed.


Berhati hati bila saudara anda masuk ICU

Ini kerana jika Intensive Care Unit Hospital tempat yang tersayang anda itu ada bakteria CRE, dan saudara anda dijangkiti oleh kuman ini, maka peluang untuk saudara yang tersayang anda mati awal mungkin tinggi kerana bakteria ini sukar dirawat akibat rintangan kekebalan terhadap antibiotik yang sangat tinggi.

Rintangan antibiotik yang sangat tinggi ini adalah disebabkan oleh perangai kebanyakan pengamal perubatan sendiri yang suka memberikan antibiotik secara berleluasa walaupun pesakit tidak memerlukan antibiotik di peringkat klinik !!!

30:41 Telah lahirlah bencana di darat dan di laut, kerana usaha tangan manusia, supaya Allah merasakan kepada mereka sebahagian dari (balasan) perbuatan yang mereka perbuat, mudah mudahan mereka kembali (taubat).

42:30 Apa apa musibah (melapetaka) yang menimpa kamu , maka disebabkan usaha tanganmu sendiri dan dimaafkan Allah kebanyakkannya.

Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) Infection: Patient FAQs

What are CRE?

CRE, which stands for Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, are a family of germs that are difficult to treat because they have high levels of resistance to antibiotics. CRE are an important emerging threat to public health.
Common Enterobacteriaceae include Klebsiella species and Escherichia coli (E. coli). These germs are found in normal human intestines (gut). Sometimes these bacteria can spread outside the gut and cause serious infections, such as urinary tract infections, bloodstream infections, wound infections, and pneumonia. Enterobacteriaceae can cause infections in people in both healthcare and community settings.
Carbapenems are a group of antibiotics that are usually reserved to treat serious infections, particularly when these infections are caused by germs that are highly resistant to antibiotics. Sometimes carbapenems are considered antibiotics of last resort for some infections. Some Enterobacteriaceae can no longer be treated with carbapenems because they have developed resistance to these antibiotics (i.e., CRE); resistance makes the antibiotics ineffective in killing the resistant germ. Resistance to carbapenems can be due to a few different mechanisms. One of the more common ways that Enterobacteriaceae become resistant to carbapenems is due to production of Klebsiella pneumoniaecarbapenemase (KPC). KPC is an enzyme that is produced by some CRE that was first identified in the United States around 2001. KPC breaks down carbapenems making them ineffective.  Other enzymes, in addition to KPC, can breakdown carbapenems and lead to the development of CRE, but they are uncommon in the United States.

How are CRE spread?

To get a CRE infection, a person must be exposed to CRE germs. CRE germs are usually spread person to person through contact with infected or colonized people, particularly contact with wounds or stool. CRE can cause infections when they enter the body, often through medical devices like ventilators, intravenous catheters, urinary catheters, or wounds caused by injury or surgery.

Who is most likely to get an infection with CRE?

Healthy people usually don’t get CRE infections. CRE primarily affect patients in acute and long-term healthcare settings, who are being treated for another condition. CRE are more likely to affect those patients who have compromised immune systems or have invasive devices like tubes going into their body. Use of certain types of antibiotics might also make it more likely for patients to get CRE. CRE have been spread during ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography), a medical procedure that involves inserting a specialized endoscope commonly called a duodenoscope into the mouth and down to the intestine where the bile duct attaches.

Can CRE be treated?

Many people with CRE will have the germ in or on their body without it producing an infection. These people are said to be colonized with CRE, and they do not need antibiotics for the CRE. If the CRE are causing an infection, the antibiotics that will work against it are limited but some options are often available. In addition, some infections might be able to be treated with other therapies, like draining the infection. Strains that have been resistant to all antibiotics are very rare but have been reported.

What are some things hospitals are doing to prevent CRE infections?

To prevent the spread of CRE, healthcare personnel and facilities can follow infection-control precautions provided by CDC. These include:
·         Washing hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer before and after caring for a patient
·         Carefully cleaning and disinfecting rooms and medical equipment
·         Wearing gloves and a gown before entering the room of a CRE patient
·         Keeping patients with CRE infections in a single room or sharing a room with someone else who has a CRE infection
·         Whenever possible, dedicating equipment and staff to CRE patients
·         Removing gloves and gown and washing hands before leaving the room of a CRE patient
·         Only prescribing antibiotics when necessary
·         Removing temporary medical devices as soon as possible
·         Sometimes, hospitals will test patients for these bacteria to identify them early to help prevent them from being passed on to other patients

What can patients do to prevent CRE infections?

Patients should:
·         Tell your doctor if you have been hospitalized in another facility or country.
·         Take antibiotics only as prescribed.
·         Expect all doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers wash their hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub before and after touching your body or tubes going into your body.  If they do not, ask them to do so.
·         Clean your own hands often, especially:
o    Before preparing or eating food
o    Before and after changing wound dressings or bandages
o    After using the bathroom
o    After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
·         Ask questions. Understand what is being done to you, the risks and benefits.

What if I have CRE?

Follow your healthcare provider’s instructions. If your provider prescribes you antibiotics, take them exactly as instructed and finish the full course, even if you feel better. Wash your hands, especially after you have contact with the infected area and after using the bathroom. Follow any other hygiene advice your provider gives you.

I am caring for someone with CRE at home; do I need to take special precautions?

CRE have primarily been a problem among people with underlying medical problems, especially those with medical devices like urinary catheters or those with chronic wounds. Otherwise healthy people are probably at relatively low risk for problems with CRE. People providing care at home for patients with CRE should be careful about washing their hands, especially after contact with wounds or helping the CRE patient to use the bathroom or after cleaning up stool. Caregivers should also make sure to wash their hands before and after handling the patient’s medical device (e.g., urinary catheters). This is particularly important if the caregiver is caring for more than one ill person at home. In addition, gloves should be used when anticipating contact with body fluids or blood.

Is CRE infection related to medical care abroad?

A variety of enzymes produced by Enterobacteriaceae make them resistant to carbapenems.  Several of these enzymes appear to be more common in other countries than they are in the United States. As with medical care in the United States, medical care abroad can be associated with healthcare–associated infections and/or resistant bacteria. Learn about those risks and how to minimize them.