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Tuesday 27 December 2016

Ustad Ebit Lew

Pagi tadi semasa ku nak pergi kerja, aku mendengar radio... ada satu ustad tu yang menyentuh hatiku mendengar ustad ini berbicara... cara ustad ini menyampaikan agak berbeza dengan ustad ustad yang lain... 

Ustad ni membicarakan perihal pentingnya mencari calon isteri berdasarkan BUKAN rupa paras tetapi kepada taqwa dan perangai wanita tersebut....

Ia menyentuh hati dan perasaan dan sangat berbeza dengan ustad penceramah yg sebelum ini.... Contoh yg diberikannya mantap dan berkesan, cuma sedikit kekesalan ustad ni tak kongsikan dari pada mana rujukan ayat Quran atau hadis sahih yang diucapkannya...Ia berkenaan Allah yang melihat terus kepada hati bukan kepada kecantikan luaran atau kekayaan emas dan harta benda, pangkat dsbnya... kerana aku bukan pandai sangat tentang Quran... Aku tidak hafal Quran... 

Lalu aku cari di mr google dan dapat hasilnya di bawah. Pohon izin kebenaran pemilik link untuk dikongsikan di sini. Terima kasih.


SubhanaAllah, allahuakbar, akhirnya doaku termakbul ya Allah kerana dapat berjumpa dengan seorang ustaz yang sangat aku kagumi.Kebetulan hari ini kami di Uitm terdapat program yang di anjurkan untuk pelajar tahun akhir iaitu "finishing school" dan program tersebut adalah kemahiran isnaniah dan penceramahan yang di jemput adalah ustaz Ebit Lew. Bila dapat tahu, hati ini sangat gembira kerana acik sangat kagum dan sangat suka mendengar ceramahnya dahulunya di motivasi pagi di IKIM FM. 

Bila mendengar ceramah yang di sampai oleh beliau hati ini rasa tenang dan lega kerana penyampaiannya penuh dengan isi pengisian dan sangat mudah di fahami. Ketika tadi sekali lagi mendengar kisah hidup ustaz Ebit lew hati ini jadi sayu, air mata mengalir tanpa di duga dan kata-kata sangat bermakna ,"simple" tapi maknaya mendalam. Sedikit latar belakang tentang beliau , nama penuh beliau adalah Ustaz Ebit Irawan Bin Ibrahim Lew @ Lew Yun Pau.Mempunyai 12 orang adik beradik, 6 budda dan 6 islam. Beliau ada seorang berbangsa cina dan Ayahnya juga berbangsa Cina. Ayahnya pernah bernikah dengan wanita Cina dan mempunyai 6 orang anak hasil perkongsian hidup dengan isteri pertama. Kemudian mereka bercerai. Seterusnya, beliau bertemu jodoh dengan seorang wanita beragama Islam lalu menukar agamanya kepada Islam. Namun begitu ,mereka sekeluarga jauh dari Islam, tidak mengamalkan ajaran Islam.

Ustaz Ebit Liew ketika kecil, tidak dibesarkan dengan ajaran Islam sepenuhnya. Di sekolah juga, dia seorang murid yang nakal, selalu mencari pasal dan menjadi murid yang tidak digemari oleh guru-guru. Nakal sangatlah pendek katanya. Hinggalah pada suatu hari, ketika berusia 12 tahun, seorang guru matematiknya telah berjaya mengetuk pintu hatinya berkaitan tentang tak solat dan membuatkan dia menangis dan menginsafi dirinya . Alhamdulilllah, berkat usaha guru itu dan izin Allah, dia yang tak pernah solat mula belajar solat dan mendekati Allah. Tidak setakat itu, perubahan Elbit Liew rupa-rupanya bagai suatu 'pembuka' yang seterusnya mendorong seluruh keluarganya, termasuk ibu dan ayahnya juga mendekati Islam. SubhanaAllah. 
Kini beliau menjadi seorang penceramah yang sangat di segani, acik sangat suka bila mendengar cerita ustaz ebit lew lagi-lagi soal Rasullulah. Cerita yang di bawakan jelas dan penuh pengajaran di samping di selitkan unsur-unsur jenaka. 
Kata-kata yang yang acik tak akan lupa sahingga kini adalah
1. apabila kita bercakap pekara yang baik, mendengar pekara yang baik, berkahwan dengan orang yang baik-baik insha Allah semuanya akan datang pekara yang baik-baik dalam hidup kita.
2. Setiap ujian dan musibah yang Allah hadirkan untuk kita, kadang kala buatkan kita merungut dan marah pada Allah. Tetapi kita tak ketahui bahawa di sebalik musibah itu Allah mahu berikan nikmat kepada kepada kita.
3. Kita manusia selalu membuat sesuatu mengharapkan balasan dan  berharap pada manusia, dan apabila apa yang kita harapkan kita tidak dapat maka kita pun kecewa. Sedangkan kita seharusnya selalu berharap pada Allah dan pasti kita tak akan pernah kecewa.
4. Dalam hidupkan kita ini perlulah selalu muhasabah diri dan selalulah menangis berdoa kepada Allah. Kita bermohonlah kepadanya kerana Allah sangat simpati umatnya merintih kepadanya ,berdoa kepadanya.  

5. Orang yang hatinya ikhlas kerana Allah, katanya mudah untuk sampai kepada orang yang hatinya bersih dan ikhlas juga. 

Guru terbaik mendidik Nabi SAW mendidik sahabat yang ada keinginan untuk Islam. Walaupun sebelum itu sejahat-jahat orang, menjadi sebaik-baik orang. 
Tetapi orang tidak ada keinginan seperti Abu Jahal, Abu lahab maka mereka berada dalam neraka buat selamanya.

Ya Allah berilah keikhlasan kepada setiap pendakwah-pendakwah dan setiap umat ini juga keikhlasan. Mudah-mudahkan kami semua sentiasa dalam RedhaMU.

6. Kepada mereka yang sedang bersedih dan seakan-akan tidak nampak jalan keluar dengarkan ini kunci paling utama yang Allah hadiahkan kepada kita dalam melapangkan semua masalah.

Seorang guru saya kata orang soleh tidak pernah tinggalkan solat tahajud dan solat fardhu secara berjemaah. 

Saidina Umar setiap malam akan kejutkan keluarganya dengan membaca ayat AlQuran "dan perintahkanlah keluargamu mendirikan solat dan bersabarlah dalam mengerjakannya kerana Kami tidak minta rezeki darimu bahkan Kami yang beri rezeki padamu.

Dengan tahajud, Allah suka dan bukakan bagi kita jalan keluar bagi segala keperitan dan kepayahan hidup. Dan mungkin luar penderitaan tapi hatinya sangat bahagia

Ramai yang telah puluhan tahun tidak pernah tinggal tahajud dan berdoa menangis di depan Allah

Dan sebenarnya banyak lagi dan kepada kamu semua yang tidak ada nak buat apa-apa, rasa sunyi dalam diri pergi dan dengar ceramah dari ustaz Ebit lew dan ustaz-ustaz yang lain, insha Allah hati akan kembali jadi tenang. Kalau kamu mahukan kata-kata semangat boleh terus ke facebook ustaz ebit lew, pasti kamu tidak akan kecewa kerana banyak kata-kata motivasi dan pengajaran. 

Nak tahu siapa lebih lanjut tentang ustaz Ebit Lew ?

Sakit Kepala

Hampir semua orang pernah mengalami sakit kepala. Kita hairan apa penyebab sakit kepala ini. Sebenarnya ada banyak penyumbang kepada kepada sakit kepala...Sinusitis, sakit tekak, tension, stress, kerisauan melampau, tidak tidur malam, glaucoma dan yang paling ditakuti ... kanser otak.


Saturday 24 December 2016

Sayur Beracun ?

Sayur Beracun ?

Four months ago, TEDx had a talk which set tongues wagging. Something funky was going down up in Cameron Highlands – food and water is systematically being POISONED by the farmers themselves!! The TEDx speakers Dr. Lemuel Ng and Will Chua spoke about how vegetables and produce there came with its own ‘salad dressing’…by that we mean BANNED pesticides, not vinaigrette or Thousand Island!
Lemuel and Will had a contact, a Datuk Kong, who was a rich vegetable farmer up there, who does not eat a single leaf grown in the highlands. He eats vegetables from elsewhere. Why? Because the pesticides being used these days are insane:
“Nowadays they use this black liquid. Unnamed, no brand, nothing, from Thailand. They don’t even know what it is. They take one cap of this liquid and mix it with 200 gallons of water and they put it on their soil. Within one or two days, everything dies. His exact words… ‘everything dies’.” – Will Chua speaking at the TEDx event

Wow, it sounds really alarming the way they talk about these pesticides and ZOMG what is in that bottle of black stuff from Thailand? Only one cap needed to mix with 200 gallons of water and EVERYTHING dies? What sorcery is that?!?

These two guys were going on and on about how their friends and family had seriously bad health problems, like couples not being able to conceive, children having terrible skin allergies and popping strong antibiotics daily, people in their 30s getting cancer, and 20-year-olds having to do dialysis because of busted kidneys.

Lemuel, Will and their friends and family who were getting sick are from Johor. To understand why they are worried about an issue happening in a completely different state so many km away from them, is because Singapore buys a bulk of their veggies from Cameron Highlands. And these veggies pass through Johor to get there, so it also gets sold in Johor.
Thennn, in comes the part about eating organic vegetables and these guys own a family-run vegetable farm business called FOLO Farms in Johor. After switching to organic veggies some of those seriously bad health problems started to ease up – couples could finally conceive and children’s skin cleared up. To be fair, Lemuel did add that he doesn’t have enough cold hard facts to claim that eating organic vegetables was definitely a cure-all. But he did say this:
“You compare this to pesticide-sprayed, plastic covered vegetables, those vegetables are basically what we call a ghost of what real vegetables are. They are basically what we call junk food veggies. If you want to have phytonutrient-dense, flavourful vegetables that are actually good for you, that could actually heal you, then we have to grow our own. We have to grow it organically.” – Dr. Lemuel Ng
Because there are REAL reports of dangerous pesticides in Cameron Highlands
A simple Google search will show that pesticide use in the highlands is NOT A MYTH and not something the speakers were just using to promote their organically farmed vegetables. There are news reports and even academic papers written about it from as far back as 2004, possibly older.
Based on these reports, the types of pesticides found are Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane(DDT), Lindane (gamma hexachlorocyclohexane or HCH), endosulfan II, endrine ketone, aldrin and DDE (a derivative of DDT). Gosh, even the names themselves sound positively evil! Like the kind of poison that wicked queen in Snow White would have used to dip the apple in.
The whole subject of pesticides is just too wide and too deep for us to get into, if we were to really break it down, but in brief, these substances are highly TOXIC and ILLEGAL in Malaysia according to the Pesticides Act, and internationally. It is an offence to posses or to use a pesticide that is not registered in the Pesticides Act and people who are found guilty can be fined RM10,000 or a jailed for one year.

But if that’s the case, why do farmers want to use banned substances rather than legal ones? Well, it is believed that bugs and pests in Cameron Highlands are so strong that farmers feel freaky black liquid from Thailand and such are more effective than the legal stuff.
As for international laws, the World Health Organisation (WHO) is one body that has published a recommendations guideline for using pesticides. Additionally, a UN treaty called the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants was signed by 152 countries, including Malaysia. However, we have not ratified it. (Signing it just means we agree with it and have the intention to follow it, though it is not binding, whereas ratifying it is officially binding and we would have to start forming national laws for it.)
The Stockholm Convention has a list of substances categorised as to ‘eliminate’ or ‘restrict’, and some of the pesticides found in the highlands are on it. For instance, there’s aldrin, which was used globally as a pesticide until the 1970s when it was banned in most countries, though Malaysia was kinda late joining the ban-wagon only in 1994. Aldrin was detected in tap water in Cameron Highlands at an average of 0.071 microgrammes per litre, far above the WHO’s recommended limit of 0.03 microgrammes per litre!

CHUPPPP what do you mean they found pesticides in TAP WATER??? Aren’t pesticides only meant to be used on vegetables and produce? Here’s the thing… when pesticides are used in farms, it affects the surrounding area’s ecology on the whole. After spraying them on, it goes into the soil and eventually gets washed into rivers and streams, finally contaminating our tap water. They can also be blown by the wind to other areas. Some pesticides can remain in the environment for many years and pass from one organism to another.
So yes, traces of toxic pesticides we mentioned earlier on were discovered by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) researchers, after they took samples from six sites, including Brinchang tap water, water catchment areas, and along Sungai Bertam and Sungai Telom (main rivers in Cameron Highlands).
“This is very unnerving. We found contamination right at the source. I cannot understand how this was allowed to go on. Although the trace was miniscule and within the permitted level, I am concerned about the accumulated effect or aggregation of years of consumption on the internal body system. The effect could take place a couple of generations later causing birth defects and infertility.” – Prof. Dr. Md Pauzi Abdullah from the School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology, UKM, Malay Mail
Yes! Illegal pesticides can cause infertility and tons of other medical problems to your body
You wouldn’t spray Ridsect into a cup of water and drink it right? But as creeped out as we are at the thought of drinking Ridsect, it only has a Class IV toxicity category… now imagine consuming endosulfan which has been branded Class I or II (depending on the governing body). [Class I is very toxic, Class IV is safe. See table below]
Based on studies, exposure to certain pesticides can cause cancer, birth defects, genetic changes, blood disorders, nerve disorders, endocrine disruption, and reproduction effects. Oh man! Basically that’s a full body disease package. :-(
On Google you will find plenty of pesticide poisoning case studies, but let’s focus on India… The country is one of the largest users of pesticide in Asia and also one of the largest manufacturers. Endosulfan has been used here for the past 20 years. So much so that toxins have entered their food chain – breakfast, lunch and dinner.
A study done in Warangal district in Andhra Pradesh, southern India records over 1,000 pesticide poisoning cases each year and hundreds of deaths. Data collected from a district government hospital there from 1997 to 2002 revealed that 8,040 patients were admitted there due to pesticide poisoning with an overall case fatality ratio of 22.6%. The effects they are suffering is varied (some reports of birth defects, autism, and delays in sexual maturity in boys) and it has especially hit infants and children hard:
“They are 4.5 years old. When they were born they were fine. After 2 days they fell sick. They used to get regular fits and their body’s changed to a blue colour.” – Rajbir Singh, father of twin sons in Punjab, India
ven so, Indians have begun protesting against the use of endosulfan. So what about Malaysia?
If the poisoning of Cameron Highlands water has been highlighted by the media and researchers have found traces of pesticides in water samples, why are the authorities not cracking down on these farmers? From the timeline, it appears that the problem has been established some years back, but is still going on up to the time Lemuel and Will spoke at TEDx (which was four months ago).
One of the strongest critics of this issue, a community based organisation formed by a group of residents concerned by the declining environment in Cameron Highlands, named Regional Environmental Awareness of Cameron Highlands (REACH), had actively taken the initiative to prove that pesticides were indeed in their water supply. And now that the UKM researchers had indeed found traces in water samples, REACH said the authorities would surely be compelled to take action, including telling the public about it.
“Enforcement of bans on illegal pesticide is also lacking in effectiveness.” – Ramakrishnan Ramasamy, REACH President, The Rakyat Post
Aside from catching farmers who use illegal pesticides, REACH also urged the authorities to control unrestricted farming because it has also become another part of the problem there. Like our rainforests that are being cleared in Sabah, Sarawak, Kelantan and Pahang to build palm oil plantations, vast lands are being cleared in the highlands to build more and more and more farms. Unrestricted farming is believed to be the cause of the devastating mud floods that killed six people in November 2014.

Effects believed to be caused by endosulfan poisoning. Images from and

Ridsect only Class IV. Toxicity table from