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Hi, I’m Will and I created this website
to share with you exactly how I regrew my own hair naturally
so that (hopefully) you can do the same too.
I know that one of the worst feelings in the world is seeing your hair
fall out and feeling like there is nothing you can do about it.
I had the feeling for years.
Doctors said that if male pattern baldness ran in your family then your only option was a drug called Propecia - Ya’ know, the one with all the horrible side effects like loss of sex drive and weak erections - No thanks!
There had to be another way…
Did you ever believe deep down that hair loss was unnatural?
Me too, and actually we’re right.
Stable, well nourished populations of indigenous people just don’t suffer from baldness (androgenetic alopecia) so I wondered why more and more men (and women now) are losing their hair.
This realisation did give me hope though. Knowing that hair loss is unnatural meant that in theory it should be completely avoidable.
After three years of research, testing, trying and experimenting I finally put the pieces together and found the critical dietary and lifestyle factors that make all the differenceto losing or keeping your hair.
At HairLossRevolution I’ve broken down those critical pieces into articles on my blog that you can learn from now.
The puzzle isn’t 100% complete yet, but I and many other readers of this site have already stopped losing our hair (and are on a path to re-growing lost hairs, but that takes longer).
You just have to follow what works and be consistent. I love hearing from others who have hair-loss problems, so if you have any questions, please let me know by leaving a comment on a related article.
Right now I recommend you take my short, 6 question quiz to find out if your hair loss is reversible or not
Doctors said that if male pattern baldness ran in your family then your only option was a drug called Propecia - Ya’ know, the one with all the horrible side effects like loss of sex drive and weak erections - No thanks!
There had to be another way…
Did you ever believe deep down that hair loss was unnatural?
Me too, and actually we’re right.
Stable, well nourished populations of indigenous people just don’t suffer from baldness (androgenetic alopecia) so I wondered why more and more men (and women now) are losing their hair.
This realisation did give me hope though. Knowing that hair loss is unnatural meant that in theory it should be completely avoidable.
After three years of research, testing, trying and experimenting I finally put the pieces together and found the critical dietary and lifestyle factors that make all the differenceto losing or keeping your hair.
At HairLossRevolution I’ve broken down those critical pieces into articles on my blog that you can learn from now.
The puzzle isn’t 100% complete yet, but I and many other readers of this site have already stopped losing our hair (and are on a path to re-growing lost hairs, but that takes longer).
You just have to follow what works and be consistent. I love hearing from others who have hair-loss problems, so if you have any questions, please let me know by leaving a comment on a related article.
Right now I recommend you take my short, 6 question quiz to find out if your hair loss is reversible or not
Thuja Orientalis: A Natural Remedy for Hair
A naturally
occurring product, Thuja Orientalis hot water extract has been clinically
proven to hair count when applied topically to the scalp, but will it work
for your hair loss.
In this article I’m
going to summarise these exciting findings to show just how effective this
all-natural product is, and at the end of the article I’ll show you how you can
make your own shampoo that includes Thuja so that you can stop any further hair
loss as quickly as possible.The Thuja Orientalis plant can be grown and
cultivated easily at home, and with limited potential for side effects this
product can be used for many issues including hair loss.
is Thuja Orientalis?
As a naturally growing, evergreen
plant, Thuja
Orientalis has
been used to address numerous issues in traditional and complementary medicine.
The seeds and the leaves of the plant can produce essential oils. In areas of
East Asia, extracts of Thuja Orientalis have been used for centuries as a
treatment for hair loss. The leaves of the Thuja Orientalis plant contain the
chemical compounds rhodoxanthin, amentofl avone, hinokifalvone, quercetin,
myricetin, carotene, xanthophylls, and ascorbic acid. The roots of the plant
have been distilled to produce a most potent treatment for the conditions of
premature hair loss.
Orientalis Tested Results to Address Hair Loss
There are numerous
potential uses for the extracts and essential oils of the Thuja Orientalis
plant, many of which may help support the health of the scalp along with
potential for promoting hair growth. Following is a brief summary of the studies performed on Thuja Orientalis and its reputed
benefits to hair growth.
The ‘Hot Water’ T. Orientalis Topical Test
One of the most
significant studies on Thuja Orientalis was carried out on lab mice. The test
mice were shaved and then separated into three groups.
The first group would
be given a daily topical ‘hot water’ solution of T. Orientalis extracts, the
second was administered a daily topical ‘1% minodoxil’ solution and the rest of
the mice formed the control group.
After 14 days the hair growth of each group
of test mice was carefully measured, averaged and analyzed with impressive
results. The mice being given the T. Orientalis treatment had produced
significantly more hair growth than either the group being given a 1% minodoxil solution or the
control group.
After 17 days, the T.
Orientalis group had regained their full coat of hair, while the control group
had only about 50% regrowth (See Fig. 1)

Further analyses of
the results of this test showed that T. Orientalis improved hair growth in test
subjects by inducing the anagen growth phase from the telogen phase.
The anagen phase is
the stage where hair follicle is actually growing hair, while the telogen
represents the period of follicle rest. Many hair follicles can be in perfect
working conditions; the T. Orientalis treatment has been found to rouse resting
follicles, recommissioning active hair production.
researchers documenting the study were quick to notice an increase in hair
follicle size and numbers per square inch in the T. Orientalis group.
Immunohistochemical analyses also detected earlier induction of the essential
heir raising proteins, Shh and β-catenin in hair follicles stimulated by
regular T. Orientalis treatment.
The final conclusions reported by these
researchers clearly indicate that T. Orientalis can effectively promote hair
growth by stimulating resting follicles into their hair production stage or
anagen stage. This means that T. Orientalis can be considered an all-natural agent to promote
hair growth.
Further Studies
According Advances in Life
Sciences, Thuja
Orientalis preparations can also be used as anti inflammatory agents and has
anti microbial characteristics as well. Irritated and inflamed scalps are a common cause of
hair loss and thinning hair, as well as bacterial infections.
The potential for
topical solutions utilizing Thuja Orientalis to promote and maintain a healthy
scalp make this product reasonable for on going scalp care.
The Research Journal of
Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences published findings on
the mechanism of action and chemical make up of Thuja Orientalis, supporting
the literature that suggests there are numerous positive effects of this plant.
Particularly, the anti microbial and anti
inflammatory characteristics which are well documented in the scientific
literature. Extracts have been used to successfully treat eczema, fungal infections of the skin, as well
as warts.
As the hair follicle
derives nutrients from the skin and underlying capillaries, it is important to
ensure the health of the scalp.
As long as there are
no specific allergies to this species of plant, there is limited downside to
the regular application of a topical solution that utilizes Thuja Orientalis.
For individuals who
experience hair loss due to skin conditions affecting the scalp, this treatment
may provide significant benefit and improvement in the ability for hair to
Side Effects of Thuja Orientalis
Thuja Orientalis can pose the potential
for various side effects, and certain parts of the plant can be
toxic if swallowed. Some individuals may experience allergic reactions when
using Thuja topically or ingesting it, and some allergic reactions may be
The potential for
Thuja Orientalis to cause shortness of breath and difficulty breathing could
exacerbate the symptoms of asthma.
of Thuja Orientalis side effects;
/ nausea
of breath / difficulty breathing
blood pressure
Due to a lack of
complete understanding of the uses of Thuja Orientalis, products derived from
this plant should not be used by women who are pregnant or are expecting to
become pregnant.
Individuals who have
asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease should not use Thuja
Orientalis, due to the potential for causing shortness of breath or difficulty
Anyone considering
the use of Thuja Orientalis should consult with a medical professional to
ensure the safe use of the product.
Practical Use
Thuja Orientalis For Hair Growth
The hot water extract proved useful for
increasing hair count, even when compared to minoxidil (and the control.) So,
probably the best way to use thuja is in a homemade shampoo.
castile soap
Orientalis hot water extract
essential oil
Mix the ingredients
thoroughly in a plastic bottle of your choice. Lather the mixture on to wet
hair and massage into the scalp for 2-3 minutes before rinsing out.
Thuja Orientalis can
be cultivated in a variety of climates, is a hearty plant that is easy to
manage, and can be easily utilized as a complementary or alternative treatment
for a variety of issues including hair loss, thinning hair, and receding
The numerous positive
benefits of Thuja Orientalis offer promise for promoting overall scalp health,
addressing many of the underlying causes of hair loss and thinning hair, and
may even have the potential to promote hair growth.
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