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Tuesday, 30 May 2017



Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) mengambil maklum berita yang menular di laman media sosial berkaitan buah kurma yang tercemar dengan lipas dan kumbang. KKM memandang serius berhubung isu ini dan meningkatkan pemantauan ke atas produk kurma di pasaran tempatan serta di pintu masuk bagi memastikan makanan berkenaan adalah selamat. Di samping itu, KKM ingin menasihati pengguna dan orang ramai untuk menggunakan hak dan kuasa pembeli dalam memastikan produk makanan yang dibeli adalah bersih dan selamat. Pengguna juga disaran membaca label serta mengamalkan lihat, hidu dan rasa sebelum menikmati makanan bagi mengelakkan memakan makanan yang telah rosak atau tercemar. Sekiranya pengguna mempunyai sebarang kemusykilan berhubung sebarang isu keselamatan makanan, pengguna boleh menghubungi Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri atau Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah yang terdekat atau melalui laman web atau laman facebook Bahagian Keselamatan dan Kualiti Makanan

jika terdapat sebarang aduan berkaitan kebersihan dan keselamatan makanan. Selamat menjalani ibadah berpuasa dan berbuka puasa kepada semua Umat Islam.


27 Mei 2017

Kosmetik Beracun


1. Bahagian Regulatori Farmasi Negara (NPRA), Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) ingin menggesa orang awam untuk mengelak daripada membeli dan menggunakan produk-produk kosmetik berikut kerana dikesan mengandungi racun berjadual seperti di bawah:

Bil. Nama Produk Nombor Notifikasi Racun Berjadual Yang Dikesan Nama Pemegang Notifikasi

1. Night Glowing NOT160306080K Merkuri Ezzueriche Wellness
2. Night Glow NOT160306081K Hydroquinone dan Tretinoin
3. Glowing Speed Gold Day Cream NOT160104705K Merkuri Babiez Glow Skincare
4. Glowing Speed Gold Night Cream NOT160104706K
5. Qu Gebu AP Krim NOT160400837K Hydroquinone dan Tretinoin Vida Beauty
6. Nour Ain Night Cream NOT140701453K Merkuri Elsuhaz (M) Sdn. Bhd.
7. Royal Expert Whitening Cream NOT150501310K Merkuri Ortus Expert Cosmetics Sdn. Bhd

2. Notifikasi produk-produk kosmetik terlibat telah dibatalkan oleh Pengarah Kanan Perkhidmatan Farmasi, KKM berikutan pengesanan bahan racun berjadual di dalam produk berkenaan.


3. Produk yang mengandungi hydroquinone dan tretinoin adalah merupakan produk farmaseutikal yang perlu berdaftar dengan Pihak Berkuasa Kawalan Dadah dan hanya boleh digunakan dengan nasihat profesional kesihatan.

4. Produk kosmetik yang dicampurpalsu dengan hydroquinone boleh menyebabkan kemerahan pada kulit yang disapu, ketidakselesaan, perubahan warna kulit yang tidak diingini, malah kulit menjadi hipersensitif. Kesan dari penggunaan hydroquinone boleh menghalang proses pigmentasi (depigmentasi) yang mengurangkan perlindungan kulit daripada pancaran sinar UV merbahaya dan boleh meningkatkan risiko kanser kulit.

5. Produk kosmetik yang dicampurpalsu dengan tretinoin biasanya dipromosikan untuk tujuan merawat masalah jerawat dan membantu mengurangkan kedutan. Penggunaan tretinoin tanpa pengawasan profesional kesihatan boleh menyebabkan bahagian kulit yang disapu menjadi kemerahan, tidak selesa, pedih, mengelupas dan hipersensitif kepada cahaya matahari.

6. Produk kosmetik yang dicampurpalsu dengan merkuri boleh memudaratkan kesihatan kerana merkuri yang terkandung dalam produk kosmetik boleh menyerap masuk ke dalam badan dan menyebabkan kerosakan pada buah pinggang dan sistem saraf. Ia juga boleh menganggu perkembangan otak kanak-kanak yang masih kecil atau yang belum dilahirkan.

7. Selain itu, kesan mudarat akibat pendedahan kepada merkuri boleh juga dialami oleh orang sekeliling terutamanya kanak-kanak apabila produk kosmetik yang mengandungi merkuri yang disapu pada kulit meruap dan dihidu. Bayi dan kanak-kanak kecil boleh terdedah kepada merkuri apabila mereka menyentuh produk kosmetik yang mengandungi merkuri atau orang yang menggunakan produk kosmetik tersebut dan kemudiannya memasukkan jari-jari mereka ke dalam mulut. Penggunaan produk yang mengandungi merkuri boleh juga menyebabkan ruam, iritasi dan perubahan lain pada kulit.


8. Penjual dan pengedar produk-produk kosmetik ini diberi amaran untuk menghentikan penjualan dan pengedaran produk-produk kosmetik tersebut dengan serta-merta. Penjual adalah diingatkan bahawa penjualan dan pengedaran produk-produk kosmetik ini adalah melanggar Peraturan-Peraturan Kawalan Dadah dan Kosmetik 1984.

9. Individu yang melakukan kesalahan di bawah Peraturan-Peraturan ini boleh dikenakan hukuman denda tidak melebihi RM25,000 atau penjara tidak melebihi 3 tahun atau kedua-duanya untuk kesalahan pertama dan denda tidak melebihi RM50,000 atau penjara tidak melebihi 5 tahun atau kedua-duanya untuk kesalahan-kesalahan berikutnya. Syarikat yang melakukan kesalahan boleh dikenakan denda sehingga RM50,000 untuk kesalahan pertama dan denda sehingga RM100,000 untuk kesalahan berikutnya.


10. Orang awam yang sedang menggunakan produk-produk kosmetik ini dinasihatkan untuk segera menghentikan penggunaannya dan mendapatkan nasihat dari ahli profesional kesihatan jika mengalami sebarang ketidakselesaan atau kesan advers.

11. Sebarang pertanyaan berkaitan produk kosmetik boleh diemel kepada atau menghubungi talian 03-78835400. Pengguna dan orang ramai adalah dinasihatkan untuk menyemak status notifikasi sesuatu produk kosmetik dengan melayari laman

sesawang rasmi NPRA

26 Mei 2017

They Say No To Angioplasty

They Say No To Angioplasty. 

But please consult your expert Doctor before you jump into any conclusion, or before you make your own self home made remedy.



Say No To Angioplasty

Bolehkah kanser disembuhkan

Bolehkah kanser dihentikan ?

Bolehkah kanser disembuhkan?

The most important cancer documentary series ever produced -- what I'm calling the "Healing event of the year!" -- has now arrived. It's called The Truth About Cancer and it's a professionally-produced video documentary series that launches in just a few days, on May 26th.
The Truth About Cancer features video interviews with 29 amazing experts, including people I consider to be the very top cancer experts in the world today. In this series, you'll hear from people like:
Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez
Dr. Rashid Buttar
G. Edward Griffin
Dr. Keith Scott Mumby
Dr. Patrick Quillin
Dr. David Jockers
Suzanne Somers

... and yes, the Health Ranger is interviewed too!

Click here to register to see all the videos for free.

Lifesaving wisdom for humanity
While the for-profit cancer industry is really only interested in making money off cancer "treatments," what humanity really needs is a revolution in cancer wisdom that teaches strategies to prevent, halt and even reverse various types of cancer.
This Truth About Cancer docu-series is a treasure trove of knowledge for humanity -- the kind of knowledge the cancer industry absolutely refuses to acknowledge and hopes you never discover.
Armed with this information, nearly everyone can prevent cancer in their own bodies. Cancer isn't a spontaneous affliction that happens without cause, after all. It's the result of biochemical causes.
And where there's a cause that produces results, there's a way to get different results by changing the inputs.
This docu-series, produced by Ty Bollinger, is essentially a secret treasure map leading you to the treasure of living cancer-free for the rest of your life!
Do not miss this event. Click here to get registered so you can watch all 29 videos interviews (or just watch the ones you want!).

It's time humanity stopped suppressing knowledge and started sharing it!
This Truth About Cancer docu-series is produced in the spirit of SHARING knowledge for the betterment of humanity.
Much of human history, sadly, has been condemned under oppressive regimes that incessantly seek to suppress knowledge. The cancer industry is one of the worst offenders: it actively seeks to suppress the truth about vitamin D's anti-cancer capabilities, the truth about how chemical exposure causes cancer, and the truth about how cancer will never be cured by a chemical drug. The cancer industry ridiculously wants us all to believe that cancer happens without cause, that cancer will one day be cured with pharmaceuticals, but that the search for that cure might take another hundred years as a few trillion dollars... during which we're all supposed to keep running around in circles with pink ribbons, emptying our pockets of donation cash.
The FDA, similarly, has long outlawed true health claims on anti-cancer supplements such as cruciferous vegetable extracts or resveratrol. No dietary supplement manufacturer is ever allowed to claim that anything they sell has any ability to prevent, treat or cure cancer in any way whatsoever! (Making such a claim is the fastest way to get raided at gunpoint and thrown in prison.)
But in truth there are anti-cancer foods that work better than drugs! There are cancer prevention strategies that cost you absolutely nothing to pursue! And there are genuine cures for many types of cancer -- advanced medicine approaches which are succeeding every day all around the world but which are banned in the United States because of the corrupt protectionism racket of the cancer industry itself.

This information can save millions of lives
The Truth About Cancer blows the lid on the century-long cancer scam by daring to speak the truth in an age of deceit. That's why this video docu-series simply can't be missed. It's one of the most important public education events to have ever been assembled that defies the forced ignorance and knowledge suppression of the for-profit cancer industry.

I truly believe that if every person in the modern world watched this series, millions of lives would be saved from cancer. And as a result, trillions of dollars in health care costs would be avoided, too.

In fact, you might think that a sensible government would actually hope its citizens learned ways to prevent cancer and not need chemotherapy, radiotherapy and cancer surgery. But no, in our corrupt, demented world, sickness generates profits, and profits power the political machine. So the continuation of cancer is essential to the ongoing business model of modern medicine -- a system steeped in disease, suffering and junk science deceptions.

Break through the haze and see the issue of cancer with refreshing clarity! Watch this amazing docu-series starting May 26th.

Curing Cancer

Curing Cancer: Nobel Laureate Otto Warburg

As SparkFriends and regular readers of my blog know, my sister lost her battle with cancer on Dec 2, 2010 in a hospice, while I held her hand. She was only 51, & left behind a 12 year old son, an 11 year old daughter, husband and other family. 

Otto Heinrich Warburg, with a doctorate of chemistry, and a second doctorate in medicine, was a physiologist and noted biochemist born in 1883 in Freiburg, Baden, Germany. Dr. Warburg won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1931, and died in Berlin in 1970. He believed in eating organic. 

Dr. Warburg was awarded the Nobel prize for his discovery that cancer is caused by weakened cell respiration due to lack of oxygen at the cellular level, and proving cancer thrives in anaerobic (without oxygen), or acidic, conditions. In other words, the main cause for cancer is acidity of the human body. In his Nobel Prize winning study, Dr. Warburg illustrated the environment of the cancer cell. According to Warburg, damaged cell respiration causes fermentation, resulting in low pH (acidity) at the cellular level. Warburg also wrote about oxygen's relationship to the pH of cancer cells internal environment. Since fermentation was a major metabolic pathway of cancer cells, Warburg reported that cancer cells maintain a lower pH, as low as 6.0, due to lactic acid production and elevated CO2. HE PROVED CANCER CANNOT GROW NOR DEVELOP IN BODY ALKALINITY OF 7.36. He firmly believed that there was a direct relationship between pH and oxygen. Higher pH means higher concentration of oxygen molecules while lower pH means lower concentrations of oxygen. A normal healthy cell undergoes an adverse change when it can no longer take in oxygen to convert glucose into energy. In the absence of oxygen, the cell reverts to a primal nutritional program to nourish itself by converting glucose through the process of fermentation. The lactic acid produced by fermentation lowers the cell pH (acid/alkaline balance) and destroys the ability of DNA and RNA to control cell division. The cancer cells then begin to multiply. The lactic acid simultaneously causes severe local pain as it destroys cell enzymes. Cancer appears as a rapidly growing external cell covering, with a core of dead cells. 

So we have known the proven cause, prevention & cure of cancer since 1931. 

It is rumoured Dr. Warburg was awarded a second Nobel prize but was unable to receive it because he was Jewish and Hitler prevented it from being awarded; the Nobel Prize authorities deny this however. The reason given was that Hitler had prevented all Nobel Prizes from being accepted; however several scientists in Dr. Warburg's laboratory were awarded and did receive the Nobel Prize. In my opinion it's clear to me Dr. Warburg was awarded at least two Nobel Prizes. 

Dr. Otto Warburg finished one of his most famous speeches, "The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer", with the following statement: “…nobody today can say that one does not know what cancer and its prime cause is. On the contrary, there is no disease whose prime cause is better known, so that today ignorance is no longer an excuse that one cannot do more about prevention.” 

Considering fats to be the main contributor to weight gain is a popular misconception that leads to massive confusion and explains why so many overweight people are not succeeding in losing weight. Many people would be shocked to find out that we may gain weight from eating cheese not only because it is rich in fat, but mostly due to its high acidic level. In response to high pH acid, the body creates fat cells to store the acid. Almonds have 70% fat, and pork has only 58%. However, pork has one of the highest acid values, -38, while almonds are alkaline forming, +3. Cucumbers and watermelons are so alkalizing that they can neutralize the acidifying effect of eating beef. This is why it is very important to know the pH index of all foods, showing the food's ability to alkalize the body. Please see the reference links to pH Food Indexes. 
The so-called "bad" cholesterol, lipoprotein (LDL) is made by our own liver in order to bind the toxins and deactivate the acidic waste that came from certain food, not to cause arteriosclerosis (3). 

Food, stress, mood, and music all alter our pH balance. Anything that is stimulating could leave an acidic residue in our body; any activities that are calming and relaxing could make us more alkaline. Dr. Coldwell believes 80+% of cancers are initiated by or caused by STRESS, which alters our pH balance, which makes us acidic. 

A lack of education about dietary pH balance results in confusion among people who are trying to eat healthy and stay alkaline to lose weight and to avoid cancer. Test your pH with litmus paper and you will discover on days you eat leafy greens (kale, collards, Swiss chard, etc) you will be healthily alkaline; on the days you don't, you won't be alkaline, even if you're eating raw. Here is the pH test strip paper I use:

Once cancer has gained a foothold, it does not survive well in the presence of an alkaline cellular pH level, nor in the presence of highly oxygenated cells. As Nobel Laureate Otto Warburg discovered, low cellular oxygen is a primary causal factor for cancer. Perhaps you have heard the name, Dr. Joanna Budwig, or, The Budwig Protocol? Dr. Johanna Budwig of Germany, who passed away in 2003, was Dr. Warburg's protegé in 1951. She continued Dr. Warburg's work and found that IN ORDER FOR PROPER CELLULAR UTILIZATION OF OXYGEN TO TAKE PLACE, OUR DIETS MUST CONTAIN ADEQUATE AMOUNTS OF UNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS. Over a 50 year period, Johanna Budwig had a MEDICALLY DOCUMENTED 90% plus cancer cure rate in Germany with 4500 patients. Some cancer victims that she cured with her protocol were considered terminal. See reference link #5 below if interested in more information on The Budwig Protocol. 

1: The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer. Dr. Otto Warburg Lecture delivered to Nobel Laureates on June 30, 1966 at Lindau, Lake Constance, Germany

2: The pH Miracle. Robert O. Young, Ph.D., Shelley Redford Young. 2002, Warner Books, NY 

3: Alkalize or Die. Dr. Theodore A. Baroody, Jr. 1991, Eclectic Press, NC 

4. Prevent Bone Loss: Calcium Ineffective without Balanced pH

5. A Proven Food-Based Cancer Cure the Medical Monopoly Considers Quackery, Part I

6. Flood Your Body with Oxygen

7. Healing Illness - A Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol

8. More Cure News and Reference Articles

9. Balancing Acid/Alkaline Foods,

and Food Chart, after you scroll down. 

10. pH Food Chart

11. Alkalize your Body pH to Restore Good Health 

12. Dying to Have Known

13. Detoxify or Die, by Sherry Rogers, MD

14. Censored for Curing Cancer

15. Cancer is a Fungus, by Dr. Tullio Simoncini

Cancer Cure

Jering Ubat Barah

Natural Cancer Killer Cells

Doctor Survive Cancer

Vokalis Sembuh Kanser 4

Sumber : Metro Ahad

Vokalis Sembuh Kanser 3

Sumber : Metro Ahad

Vokalis Sembuh Kanser 2

Sumber : Metro Ahad

Vokalis Sembuh Kanser 1

Zero Waste Town Japan

Sunday, 28 May 2017

Recycle Food For a better World

Radang Paru Paru Pneumocystis Pneumonia

Apa itu Pneumocystis Pneumonia (PCP)

Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) is a serious infection that causes inflammation and fluid buildup in your lungs. It's caused by a fungus called Pneumocystis jiroveci that's likely spread through the air. This fungus is very common. Most people have successfully fought it by the time they're 3 or 4 years old.
PCP isn't hard to treat and prevent. A healthy immune system can easily control it. But it can make people with weakened immune systems, such as someone with HIV, very sick. People who've gotten an organ transplant, with blood cancers, or who take drugs for autoimmume diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and multiple sclerosis could get it, too.
Although it's rare, PCP can also affect other parts of your body, including lymph nodes, liver, and bone marrow.

PCP in People with HIV

Before we had medicine to treat HIV, about 3/4 of HIV-positive people got PCP. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) and preventive drugs have brought that number way down, but it's still the most common opportunistic infection.
You're most likely to get it when your CD4 cell count is less than 200. About 1 in 10 people who are in the hospital with HIV have PCP. People with AIDS can die from it, even though they get treatment.


At first, PCP may cause only mild symptoms or none at all.
Call your doctor if you have these symptoms and HIV or a weakened immune system, because PCP can be fatal.

Tests to Diagnose It

Usually, a lab technician will look at the fluid or tissue from your lungs with a microscope to find traces of the fungus. Your doctor will get a sample by helping you cough up stuff or by using a special tool called a bronchoscope that goes into your airways through your mouth. Or your doctor can do a biopsy, taking a needle or a knife to remove a tiny bit of cells from your lung.
A test called PCR (polymerase chain reaction) makes copies of specific pieces of DNA, so it can find smaller amounts of the fungus in samples.
You might also get a chest X-ray, or blood tests to check for low oxygen levels.


Most often, doctors prescribe a combination of two antibiotics, trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole, or TMP/SMX or SXT (Bactrim, Cotrim, or Septra). Depending how sick you are, you'll get this in pills or through a needle in your vein (by IV) at the hospital.
Other drugs your doctor might prescribe to fight the infection include:

Corticosteroids can help when your PCP is moderate to severe and you have low oxygen levels.


There's no vaccine to prevent this type of pneumonia. The best way to prevent PCP when you have HIV is to keep up with your ART, because it raises your CD4 count.
If you smoke, quit.
Before your CD4 cell count drops or you get sick, you can also take the same medication that treats PCP, but with different doses and timing. Your doctor may recommend this when:
  • You've had PCP before.
  • Your CD4 count is below 200.
  • Your CD4 count is below 300, and you have another opportunistic infection such as thrush.
  • You're taking drugs that suppress your immune system.
Your doctor may want you to keep taking medicine after your PCP clears up so you don't get it again. When your CD4 count goes over 200 and stays there for at least 3 months, it may be OK to stop.